Saturday, November 19, 2011

Hanoi to Hue- do you think about Hanoi?

I like Hanoi-Hue. To day i'll talk about Hanoi in the autumn
Hanoi in the autumn
An ancient Hanoi, an peaceful Hanoi becomes romantic within the first sudden summer rain along with rainy yellow leaf as the hand of beautiful girls are hiding in green leaf to sprinkle the yellow leaf on the road. This season does not make Hanoi become extraordinary city with a little sadness and a little void in someone’s heart.
Hanoi in the autumn
Additionally, beauty of charming Hanoi was created by combination between Vietnamese traditional architecture and France architecture. Visitting Hanoi is a good opportunity for visitor to enjoy this architecture space. France’s culture has strongly influenced on Vietnam’s culture, especially on Vietnamese architecture at the beginning of twenty century. Beside small houses with three room is only appropriate for Vietnamese family, we can see the streets with private villa which was built by the first Frenches who came this land in the last century.
Hanoi in VietNam
Moreover, Hanoi is an interesting topic for so many musicians, poets, and both professional and amateur photographers. There have been many songs, poet, and pictures which was composed or produced for Hanoi. Hanoi created strong vitality for these songs, poets, and pictures or they helped Hanoi become more lively and full of vitality. Maybe let visitors and members of this blog answer this question after
listening to some Hanoi songs.
Nowaday, Hanoi develops so quickly with modern construction, and this city becomes more cramped because many person come to the city from other provinces to live and work in here. They have made Hanoi become uncomfortale place. Some of them bring bad behaviours and lifestyle to this city. Some these pesons want to live and work in Hanoi but alway speak ill of it. If Hanoi is so bad in their thinking, why they still want and dream to stay at this city. Maybe they should go back their native place because because their native place need them to promote development of that land. When I studied in Thaland, I met some Vietnamese studnents who alway talk that they do not want to live in Hanoi due to pollution, trafic jam, so on..However, I know that they still want to live in Hanoi whenever they have opportunity.
This is an example about talking ill of this kind of person.
Ngắm mặt Hồ Gươm bỗng ngỡ ngàng,
Giật mình chỉ thấy nước mênh mang
Trơ trọi tháp Rùa loi thoi nổi
Bơ vơ đền Ngọc lá cây vàng..
Người phố co ro ngơ ngẩn lội
Xe sang ậm ạch nước trôi ngang
Cửa hiệu nhấp nhô người tát nước
Chợ búa buồn thiu chẳng có hàng
Câu cá dăm anh cần tua tủa
Dắt xe ba chị bước dạng hang (dạng háng)
Cửa sắt cửa lim giờ đóng chặt
Cống gang cống đá cố mở toang.
Hà Nội bây giờ thành Hà lội...
Ngập thêm chút nữa... tớ bán thang
"How do you think about this kind of person who alway talk that not want to live in Hanoi but they will work and live in Hanoi whenever they can"

Writter: khanhngoaikhoa
What do you want to choose?

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